Official Volleyball Box Score

Nipissing at Western

12/2/2023 at 4:00 PM
@ Alumni Hall, London ON
3-3, 3-3
5-2, 5-2
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Nipissing (3-3, 3-3) 14 25 20 22 1
Western (5-2, 5-2) 25 23 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  NIPISSIN starters: Mia Chartrand; Ramanda Bell; Anna Marie horvat; Paige Owen; Oceane Raymond-Leduc; Logan Garvey.  
  WESTERN starters: Claire Stewart; Devin Gerth; Thea Ishida; Ava Ebert; Robin Henshaw; Rachel Gray.  
[Ramanda Bell] Kill by Thea Ishida (from Devin Gerth). Point WESTERN 0-1
1-1 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey), block error by Claire Stewart. Point NIPISSIN
2-1 [Logan Garvey] Attack error by Devin Gerth. Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 2-2
3-2 [Devin Gerth] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
4-2 [Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Attack error by Devin Gerth. Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 4-3
5-3 [Claire Stewart] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
6-3 [Mia Chartrand] Bad set by Thea Ishida. Point NIPISSIN
[Mia Chartrand] Bad set by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 6-4
[Rachel Gray] Service ace (Oceane Raymond-Leduc). Point WESTERN 6-5
[Rachel Gray] Service ace (Oceane Raymond-Leduc). Point WESTERN 6-6
7-6 [Rachel Gray] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
8-6 [Anna Marie horvat] Attack error by Robin Henshaw. Point NIPISSIN
[Anna Marie horvat] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 8-7
[Robin Henshaw] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 8-8
[Robin Henshaw] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida), block error by Logan Garvey. Point WESTERN 8-9
[Robin Henshaw] Service ace (Oceane Raymond-Leduc). Point WESTERN 8-10
  Timeout Nipissing.  
9-10 [Robin Henshaw] Kill by Paige Owen (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Paige Owen] Kill by Ava Ebert (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 9-11
[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 9-12
[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 9-13
10-13 [Ava Ebert] Kill by Paige Owen (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
11-13 [Ramanda Bell] Kill by Mia Chartrand (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Ramanda Bell] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 11-14
12-14 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey), block error by Claire Stewart. Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Madeline Pelosi). Point WESTERN 12-15
[Devin Gerth] Service ace (Paige Owen). Point WESTERN 12-16
[Devin Gerth] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 12-17
[Devin Gerth] Service ace (Logan Garvey). Point WESTERN 12-18
  Timeout Nipissing.  
[Devin Gerth] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 12-19
[Devin Gerth] Service ace (Logan Garvey). Point WESTERN 12-20
[Devin Gerth] Service ace (Paige Owen). Point WESTERN 12-21
13-21 [Devin Gerth] Attack error by Rachel Gray. Point NIPISSIN
[Shaelyn Francis] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 13-22
14-22 [Kaitlyn Doyle] Kill by Paige Owen (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Mia Chartrand] Kill by Ava Ebert (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 14-23
[Kylie Maxwell] Attack error by Paige Owen (block by Thea Ishida; Ava Ebert). Point WESTERN 14-24
[Kylie Maxwell] Kill by Ava Ebert (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 14-25
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[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Paige Owen. Point WESTERN 0-1
1-1 [Ava Ebert] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Amy Connelly). Point NIPISSIN
[Amy Connelly] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 1-2
2-2 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Ramanda Bell (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
3-2 [Logan Garvey] Attack error by Claire Stewart. Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 3-3
[Devin Gerth] Service ace (Paige Owen). Point WESTERN 3-4
[Devin Gerth] Service ace (Paige Owen). Point WESTERN 3-5
[Devin Gerth] Kill by Robin Henshaw (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 3-6
[Devin Gerth] Bad set by Logan Garvey. Point WESTERN 3-7
[Devin Gerth] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 3-8
  Timeout Nipissing.  
4-8 [Devin Gerth] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Logan Garvey), block error by Rachel Gray. Point NIPISSIN
5-8 [Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Service ace (Madeline Pelosi). Point NIPISSIN
6-8 [Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Service ace (Madeline Pelosi). Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Service error. Point WESTERN 6-9
7-9 [Claire Stewart] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
8-9 [Ramanda Bell] Attack error by Ava Ebert. Point NIPISSIN
[Ramanda Bell] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 8-10
[Rachel Gray] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Madeline Pelosi). Point WESTERN 8-11
[Rachel Gray] Service ace (Paige Owen). Point WESTERN 8-12
[Rachel Gray] Service ace (Paige Owen). Point WESTERN 8-13
9-13 [Rachel Gray] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
10-13 [Anna Marie horvat] Attack error by Rachel Gray. Point NIPISSIN
[Anna Marie horvat] Kill by Robin Henshaw (from Devin Gerth). Point WESTERN 10-14
11-14 [Robin Henshaw] Kill by Paige Owen (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
12-14 [Paige Owen] Attack error by Devin Gerth (block by Amy Connelly). Point NIPISSIN
[Paige Owen] Attack error by Paige Owen (block by Ava Ebert). Point WESTERN 12-15
13-15 [Ava Ebert] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Amy Connelly] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 13-16
14-16 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Logan Garvey (from Kassandra Pavlic). Point NIPISSIN
15-16 [Logan Garvey] Bad set by Robin Henshaw. Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 15-17
16-17 [Devin Gerth] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 16-18
17-18 [Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Attack error by Rachel Gray (block by Ramanda Bell; Paige Owen). Point NIPISSIN
18-18 [Devin Gerth] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Ramanda Bell] Kill by Ava Ebert (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 18-19
19-19 [Kylie Maxwell] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Kassandra Pavlic). Point NIPISSIN
[Anna Marie horvat] Kill by Robin Henshaw (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 19-20
20-20 [Robin Henshaw] Kill by Amy Connelly (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
21-20 [Paige Owen] Attack error by Devin Gerth. Point NIPISSIN
[Paige Owen] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 21-21
22-21 [Ava Ebert] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
[Alexie Chevrier] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 22-22
23-22 [Thea Ishida] Attack error by Claire Stewart. Point NIPISSIN
24-22 [Logan Garvey] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey), block error by Devin Gerth. Point NIPISSIN
  Timeout Western.  
[Logan Garvey] Service error. Point WESTERN 24-23
25-23 [Devin Gerth] Kill by Ramanda Bell (from Oceane Raymond-Leduc). Point NIPISSIN
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[Amy Connelly] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 0-1
[Devin Gerth] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 0-2
1-2 [Devin Gerth] Attack error by Robin Henshaw. Point NIPISSIN
2-2 [Logan Garvey] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
3-2 [Logan Garvey] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Ramanda Bell). Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 3-3
[Claire Stewart] Bad set by Kassandra Pavlic. Point WESTERN 3-4
[Claire Stewart] Attack error by Ramanda Bell (block by Ava Ebert). Point WESTERN 3-5
4-5 [Claire Stewart] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Service error. Point WESTERN 4-6
[Rachel Gray] Service ace (Paige Owen). Point WESTERN 4-7
5-7 [Rachel Gray] Kill by Paige Owen (from Kassandra Pavlic). Point NIPISSIN
[Ramanda Bell] Attack error by Paige Owen. Point WESTERN 5-8
6-8 [Robin Henshaw] Kill by Amy Connelly (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Anna Marie horvat] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Rachel Gray). Point WESTERN 6-9
[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Amy Connelly (block by Claire Stewart; Devin Gerth). Point WESTERN 6-10
[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Paige Owen (block by Claire Stewart; Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 6-11
  Timeout Nipissing.  
[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Paige Owen. Point WESTERN 6-12
[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Paige Owen. Point WESTERN 6-13
[Ava Ebert] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 6-14
7-14 [Ava Ebert] Kill by Shaelyn Francis (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Shaelyn Francis] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 7-15
[Thea Ishida] Bad set by Logan Garvey. Point WESTERN 7-16
  Timeout Nipissing.  
8-16 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Amy Connelly (from Logan Garvey), block error by Claire Stewart. Point NIPISSIN
9-16 [Amy Connelly] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Ramanda Bell). Point NIPISSIN
10-16 [Amy Connelly] Attack error by Claire Stewart. Point NIPISSIN
[Amy Connelly] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 10-17
11-17 [Devin Gerth] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 11-18
12-18 [Claire Stewart] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 12-19
13-19 [Kylie Maxwell] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
14-19 [Ramanda Bell] Attack error by Robin Henshaw. Point NIPISSIN
15-19 [Ramanda Bell] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Shaelyn Francis). Point NIPISSIN
[Ramanda Bell] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 15-20
16-20 [Emily Tsiandoulas] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Logan Garvey), block error by Devin Gerth. Point NIPISSIN
[Anna Marie horvat] Kill by Ava Ebert (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 16-21
17-21 [Ava Ebert] Kill by Shaelyn Francis (from Logan Garvey), block error by Claire Stewart. Point NIPISSIN
[Shaelyn Francis] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida), block error by Logan Garvey. Point WESTERN 17-22
[Thea Ishida] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida), block error by Logan Garvey. Point WESTERN 17-23
18-23 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
19-23 [Alexie Chevrier] Attack error by Emily Tsiandoulas. Point NIPISSIN
[Alexie Chevrier] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 19-24
20-24 [Devin Gerth] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 20-25
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[Thea Ishida] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Rachel Gray). Point WESTERN 0-1
1-1 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey), block error by Rachel Gray. Point NIPISSIN
2-1 [Logan Garvey] Kill by Ramanda Bell (from Oceane Raymond-Leduc). Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 2-2
3-2 [Devin Gerth] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
4-2 [Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Service ace (Madeline Pelosi). Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 4-3
5-3 [Claire Stewart] Kill by Shaelyn Francis (from Kassandra Pavlic). Point NIPISSIN
6-3 [Ramanda Bell] Attack error by Ava Ebert. Point NIPISSIN
[Ramanda Bell] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 6-4
7-4 [Rachel Gray] Kill by Shaelyn Francis (from Logan Garvey), block error by Ava Ebert. Point NIPISSIN
[Anna Marie horvat] Kill by Robin Henshaw (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 7-5
[Robin Henshaw] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 7-6
8-6 [Robin Henshaw] Attack error by Devin Gerth. Point NIPISSIN
9-6 [Shaelyn Francis] Attack error by Rachel Gray. Point NIPISSIN
  Timeout Western.  
[Shaelyn Francis] Kill by Ava Ebert (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 9-7
[Ava Ebert] Service ace (Kassandra Pavlic). Point WESTERN 9-8
[Ava Ebert] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 9-9
10-9 [Ava Ebert] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Amy Connelly] Kill by Devin Gerth (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 10-10
11-10 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Shaelyn Francis (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 11-11
12-11 [Devin Gerth] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 12-12
13-12 [Claire Stewart] Kill by Shaelyn Francis (from Oceane Raymond-Leduc). Point NIPISSIN
[Ramanda Bell] Service error. Point WESTERN 13-13
14-13 [Rachel Gray] Kill by Amy Connelly (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
15-13 [Madelaine Lamothe] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Shaelyn Francis). Point NIPISSIN
16-13 [Madelaine Lamothe] Service ace (Robin Henshaw). Point NIPISSIN
[Madelaine Lamothe] Attack error by Paige Owen. Point WESTERN 16-14
17-14 [Robin Henshaw] Service error. Point NIPISSIN
[Shaelyn Francis] Bad set by Amy Connelly. Point WESTERN 17-15
18-15 [Ava Ebert] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Madelaine Lamothe). Point NIPISSIN
19-15 [Alexie Chevrier] Attack error by Devin Gerth. Point NIPISSIN
[Alexie Chevrier] Service error. Point WESTERN 19-16
[Thea Ishida] Kill by Claire Stewart (from Thea Ishida). Point WESTERN 19-17
[Thea Ishida] Attack error by Paige Owen (block by Claire Stewart; Devin Gerth). Point WESTERN 19-18
  Timeout Nipissing.  
[Thea Ishida] Attack error by Paige Owen. Point WESTERN 19-19
20-19 [Thea Ishida] Kill by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (from Madelaine Lamothe). Point NIPISSIN
[Logan Garvey] Kill by Rachel Gray (from Thea Ishida), block error by Ramanda Bell. Point WESTERN 20-20
[Emily Tsiandoulas] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc (block by Claire Stewart; Rachel Gray). Point WESTERN 20-21
[Emily Tsiandoulas] Attack error by Anna Marie horvat (block by Claire Stewart; Robin Henshaw). Point WESTERN 20-22
  Timeout Nipissing.  
21-22 [Emily Tsiandoulas] Kill by Anna Marie horvat (from Logan Garvey). Point NIPISSIN
22-22 [Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Attack error by Rachel Gray. Point NIPISSIN
[Oceane Raymond-Leduc] Attack error by Shaelyn Francis (block by Claire Stewart; Rachel Gray). Point WESTERN 22-23
[Kylie Maxwell] Attack error by Oceane Raymond-Leduc. Point WESTERN 22-24
[Kylie Maxwell] Attack error by Anna Marie horvat (block by Ava Ebert; Robin Henshaw). Point WESTERN 22-25
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