Official Volleyball Box Score

Saskatchewan at UBC

2/17/2018 at 6:52 pm
@ Vancouver, BC (War Memorial Gym)
Final 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Saskatchewan (9-15) 17 25 27 21 15 3
UBC (21-3) 25 21 25 25 13 2
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th  |  5th
SASK -- 1st -- UBC
  SASK starters: Dylan Mortensen; Colin Fraser; Matthew Meyer; Troy Wiebe; Daulton Sinoski; Mason Scott; libero Etienne Hagenbuch.  
  UBC starters: Byron Keturakis; Jordan Deshane; Joel Regehr; Keith West; Irvan Brar; Mat Guidi; libero Ben Chow.  
1-0 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Service error. Point UBC 1-1
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Irvan Brar). Point UBC 1-2
[Irvan Brar] Attack error by Dylan Mortensen (block by Keith West; Jordan Deshane). Point UBC 1-3
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Keith West (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 1-4
2-4 [Irvan Brar] Attack error by Keith West (block by Mason Scott; Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 2-5
3-5 [Jordan Deshane] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Service error. Point UBC 3-6
4-6 [Mat Guidi] Service error. Point SASK
[Mason Scott] Kill by Joel Regehr. Point UBC 4-7
[Keith West] Kill by Byron Keturakis (from Ben Chow). Point UBC 4-8
5-8 [Keith West] Service error. Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 5-9
[Joel Regehr] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 5-10
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
[Joel Regehr] Attack error by Matthew Meyer (block by Byron Keturakis; Jordan Deshane). Point UBC 5-11
[Joel Regehr] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 5-12
6-12 [Joel Regehr] Kill by Matthew Meyer (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 6-13
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Keith West (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 6-14
[Byron Keturakis] Service ace (Matthew Meyer). Point UBC 6-15
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
7-15 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 7-16
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
8-16 [Irvan Brar] Service error. Point SASK
9-16 [Troy Wiebe] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Etienne Hagenbuch). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 9-17
[Jordan Deshane] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 9-18
10-18 [Jordan Deshane] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Service error. Point UBC 10-19
  UBC subs: Matt Santema; Zec Johnson.  
[Zec Johnson] Attack error by Dylan Mortensen (block by Joel Regehr; Keith West). Point UBC 10-20
  SASK subs: Kale Little.  
11-20 [Zec Johnson] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
12-20 [Kale Little] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
13-20 [Kale Little] Attack error by Matt Santema (block by Dylan Mortensen; Matthew Meyer). Point SASK
14-20 [Kale Little] Attack error by Keith West. Point SASK
  Timeout UBC.  
15-20 [Kale Little] Kill by Dylan Mortensen. Point SASK
[Kale Little] Service error. Point UBC 15-21
[Keith West] Service ace (Matthew Meyer). Point UBC 15-22
16-22 [Keith West] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Service error. Point UBC 16-23
[Joel Regehr] Service ace (Matthew Meyer). Point UBC 16-24
17-24 [Joel Regehr] Service error. Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Service error. Point UBC 17-25
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SASK -- 2nd -- UBC
  UBC starters: Byron Keturakis; Joel Regehr; Keith West; Mat Guidi; Irvan Brar; Jordan Deshane; libero Ben Chow.  
  SASK starters: Colin Fraser; Troy Wiebe; Daulton Sinoski; Kale Little; Matthew Meyer; Dylan Mortensen; libero Etienne Hagenbuch.  
[Kale Little] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 0-1
[Joel Regehr] Attack error by Matthew Meyer. Point UBC 0-2
1-2 [Joel Regehr] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
2-2 [Dylan Mortensen] Attack error by Mat Guidi. Point SASK
3-2 [Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Matthew Meyer). Point SASK
4-2 [Dylan Mortensen] Attack error by Irvan Brar (block by Daulton Sinoski; Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
5-2 [Dylan Mortensen] Service ace (Keith West). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Service error. Point UBC 5-3
[Byron Keturakis] Service ace (Colin Fraser). Point UBC 5-4
[Byron Keturakis] Service ace (Etienne Hagenbuch). Point UBC 5-5
[Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Colin Fraser (block by Jordan Deshane; Irvan Brar). Point UBC 5-6
6-6 [Byron Keturakis] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
7-6 [Matthew Meyer] Attack error by Keith West. Point SASK
8-6 [Matthew Meyer] Attack error by Jordan Deshane (block by Daulton Sinoski). Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Service error. Point UBC 8-7
[Irvan Brar] Attack error by Colin Fraser (block by Mat Guidi; Jordan Deshane). Point UBC 8-8
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Keith West (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 8-9
9-9 [Irvan Brar] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 9-10
[Jordan Deshane] Service ace (Matthew Meyer). Point UBC 9-11
10-11 [Jordan Deshane] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Service error. Point UBC 10-12
11-12 [Mat Guidi] Kill by Kale Little (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Kill by Joel Regehr (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 11-13
[Keith West] Service ace (Etienne Hagenbuch). Point UBC 11-14
12-14 [Keith West] Service error. Point SASK
13-14 [Kale Little] Attack error by Joel Regehr. Point SASK
[Kale Little] Service error. Point UBC 13-15
14-15 [Joel Regehr] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 14-16
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 14-17
[Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Matthew Meyer. Point UBC 14-18
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
15-18 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
  SASK subs: Patrick Hunchak.  
16-18 [Patrick Hunchak] Attack error by Irvan Brar (block by Daulton Sinoski; Colin Fraser). Point SASK
17-18 [Patrick Hunchak] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
18-18 [Patrick Hunchak] Service ace (Ben Chow). Point SASK
[Patrick Hunchak] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 18-19
19-19 [Irvan Brar] Attack error by Mat Guidi (block by Troy Wiebe; Colin Fraser). Point SASK
20-19 [Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Keith West (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 20-20
21-20 [Jordan Deshane] Service error. Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Kill by Keith West (from Irvan Brar). Point UBC 21-21
22-21 [Mat Guidi] Kill by Kale Little (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
  UBC subs: Matt Santema; Zec Johnson.  
  SASK subs: Matthew Meyer.  
23-21 [Colin Fraser] Service ace (Keith West). Point SASK
  Timeout UBC.  
24-21 [Colin Fraser] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Etienne Hagenbuch). Point SASK
25-21 [Colin Fraser] Service ace (Ben Chow). Point SASK
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SASK -- 3rd -- UBC
  SASK starters: Kale Little; Colin Fraser; Troy Wiebe; Daulton Sinoski; Matthew Meyer; Dylan Mortensen; libero Etienne Hagenbuch.  
  UBC starters: Byron Keturakis; Jordan Deshane; Mat Guidi; Keith West; Joel Regehr; Irvan Brar; libero Ben Chow.  
1-0 [Joel Regehr] Attack error by Jordan Deshane. Point SASK
2-0 [Dylan Mortensen] Service ace (Ben Chow). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Service error. Point UBC 2-1
[Byron Keturakis] Service ace (Etienne Hagenbuch). Point UBC 2-2
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 2-3
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 2-4
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 2-5
3-5 [Byron Keturakis] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
4-5 [Matthew Meyer] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 4-6
5-6 [Irvan Brar] Service error. Point SASK
6-6 [Daulton Sinoski] Attack error by Keith West (block by Kale Little; Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Service error. Point UBC 6-7
  UBC subs: Fynn McCarthy.  
[Fynn McCarthy] Attack error by Colin Fraser (block by Joel Regehr; Mat Guidi). Point UBC 6-8
7-8 [Fynn McCarthy] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 7-9
8-9 [Mat Guidi] Service error. Point SASK
  yellow card visiting team #10  
9-9 [Colin Fraser] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Service error. Point UBC 9-10
[Keith West] Service ace (Colin Fraser). Point UBC 9-11
[Keith West] Service ace (Etienne Hagenbuch). Point UBC 9-12
10-12 [Keith West] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
11-12 [Kale Little] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Kale Little] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 11-13
12-13 [Joel Regehr] Service error. Point SASK
13-13 [Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
14-13 [Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Service error. Point UBC 14-14
15-14 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Service error. Point UBC 15-15
16-15 [Irvan Brar] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
  UBC subs: Jordan Deshane.  
[Daulton Sinoski] Service error. Point UBC 16-16
17-16 [Jordan Deshane] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Kill by Keith West (from Mat Guidi). Point UBC 17-17
18-17 [Mat Guidi] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
19-17 [Colin Fraser] Attack error by Irvan Brar. Point SASK
20-17 [Colin Fraser] Attack error by Keith West. Point SASK
  Timeout UBC.  
[Colin Fraser] Attack error by Matthew Meyer. Point UBC 20-18
[Keith West] Kill by Byron Keturakis. Point UBC 20-19
21-19 [Keith West] Kill by Kale Little (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
  SASK subs: CJ Gavlas.  
  UBC subs: Tyson Smith.  
22-19 [CJ Gavlas] Attack error by Irvan Brar (block by Daulton Sinoski; Dylan Mortensen). Point SASK
[CJ Gavlas] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 22-20
  SASK subs: Kale Little.  
23-20 [Joel Regehr] Attack error by Jordan Deshane. Point SASK
24-20 [Dylan Mortensen] Ball handling error by Byron Keturakis. Point SASK
  SASK subs: Aidan Saladana.  
[Dylan Mortensen] Service error. Point UBC 24-21
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 24-22
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 24-23
  SASK subs: Matthew Meyer.  
[Byron Keturakis] Service ace (Etienne Hagenbuch). Point UBC 24-24
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
25-24 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 25-25
  UBC subs: Keith West.  
26-25 [Irvan Brar] Service error. Point SASK
27-25 [Daulton Sinoski] Service ace (Ben Chow). Point SASK
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SASK -- 4th -- UBC
  UBC starters: Jordan Deshane; Irvan Brar; Mat Guidi; Keith West; Joel Regehr; Byron Keturakis; libero Ben Chow.  
  SASK starters: Colin Fraser; Kale Little; Matthew Meyer; Dylan Mortensen; Troy Wiebe; Daulton Sinoski; libero Etienne Hagenbuch.  
[Kale Little] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 0-1
[Joel Regehr] Service ace (Colin Fraser). Point UBC 0-2
1-2 [Joel Regehr] Service error. Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Attack error by Matthew Meyer. Point UBC 1-3
2-3 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Attack error by Colin Fraser (block by Jordan Deshane; Irvan Brar). Point UBC 2-4
[Irvan Brar] Attack error by Dylan Mortensen. Point UBC 2-5
3-5 [Irvan Brar] Service error. Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 3-6
[Jordan Deshane] Attack error by Colin Fraser. Point UBC 3-7
[Jordan Deshane] Kill by Keith West (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 3-8
4-8 [Jordan Deshane] Kill by Troy Wiebe. Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Service error. Point UBC 4-9
5-9 [Mat Guidi] Service error. Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 5-10
[Keith West] Kill by Irvan Brar. Point UBC 5-11
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
6-11 [Keith West] Service error. Point SASK
7-11 [Kale Little] Attack error by Mat Guidi. Point SASK
8-11 [Kale Little] Attack error by Irvan Brar. Point SASK
[Kale Little] Kill by Joel Regehr (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 8-12
9-12 [Joel Regehr] Attack error by Irvan Brar (block by Daulton Sinoski; Dylan Mortensen). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Byron Keturakis (from Ben Chow). Point UBC 9-13
10-13 [Byron Keturakis] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
11-13 [Matthew Meyer] Attack error by Mat Guidi. Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Service error. Point UBC 11-14
  UBC subs: Matt Santema.  
12-14 [Irvan Brar] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Keith West (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 12-15
13-15 [Jordan Deshane] Kill by Kale Little (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
14-15 [Troy Wiebe] Service ace (Ben Chow). Point SASK
15-15 [Troy Wiebe] Attack error by Keith West (block by Dylan Mortensen; Kale Little). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Kill by Matt Santema (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 15-16
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
  UBC subs: Mat Guidi.  
[Mat Guidi] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 15-17
16-17 [Mat Guidi] Attack error by Keith West. Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Attack error by Dylan Mortensen (block by Keith West). Point UBC 16-18
  UBC subs: Danny Aspenlieder; Coltyn Liu.  
17-18 [Danny Aspenlieder] Kill by Matthew Meyer (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
  SASK subs: CJ Gavlas.  
[CJ Gavlas] Kill by Coltyn Liu (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 17-19
  SASK subs: Kale Little.  
[Joel Regehr] Attack error by Dylan Mortensen. Point UBC 17-20
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
18-20 [Joel Regehr] Attack error by Coltyn Liu (block by Daulton Sinoski; Dylan Mortensen). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Coltyn Liu (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 18-21
[Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Colin Fraser. Point UBC 18-22
19-22 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
  SASK subs: Patrick Hunchak.  
[Patrick Hunchak] Kill by Coltyn Liu (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 19-23
  SASK subs: Matthew Meyer.  
20-23 [Coltyn Liu] Kill by Colin Fraser (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
21-23 [Daulton Sinoski] Attack error by Danny Aspenlieder. Point SASK
[Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Danny Aspenlieder (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 21-24
[Jordan Deshane] Attack error by Colin Fraser. Point UBC 21-25
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SASK -- 5th -- UBC
  UBC starters: Mat Guidi; Joel Regehr; Irvan Brar; Byron Keturakis; Coltyn Liu; Jordan Deshane; libero Ben Chow.  
  SASK starters: Dylan Mortensen; Kale Little; Matthew Meyer; Troy Wiebe; Daulton Sinoski; Colin Fraser; libero Etienne Hagenbuch.  
[Daulton Sinoski] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 0-1
1-1 [Joel Regehr] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
2-1 [Troy Wiebe] Attack error by Byron Keturakis. Point SASK
3-1 [Troy Wiebe] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 3-2
4-2 [Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Service error. Point UBC 4-3
  UBC subs: Matt Santema.  
[Irvan Brar] Service ace (Etienne Hagenbuch). Point UBC 4-4
5-4 [Irvan Brar] Service error. Point SASK
[Kale Little] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 5-5
6-5 [Jordan Deshane] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 6-6
  UBC subs: Mat Guidi.  
7-6 [Mat Guidi] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Matthew Meyer] Kill by Joel Regehr (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 7-7
8-7 [Coltyn Liu] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
  UBC subs: Tyson Smith.  
[Daulton Sinoski] Attack error by Colin Fraser. Point UBC 8-8
9-8 [Joel Regehr] Kill by Dylan Mortensen (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
[Troy Wiebe] Service error. Point UBC 9-9
10-9 [Byron Keturakis] Ball handling error by Byron Keturakis. Point SASK
[Colin Fraser] Kill by Jordan Deshane (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 10-10
  UBC subs: Coltyn Liu.  
11-10 [Irvan Brar] Kill by Matthew Meyer (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
  SASK subs: CJ Gavlas.  
12-10 [CJ Gavlas] Attack error by Coltyn Liu. Point SASK
  Timeout UBC.  
[CJ Gavlas] Kill by Coltyn Liu (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 12-11
  UBC subs: Danny Aspenlieder.  
  SASK subs: Kale Little.  
[Danny Aspenlieder] Attack error by Dylan Mortensen. Point UBC 12-12
  Timeout Saskatchewan.  
13-12 [Danny Aspenlieder] Attack error by Joel Regehr. Point SASK
  UBC subs: Jordan Deshane.  
14-12 [Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
  Timeout UBC.  
[Dylan Mortensen] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC 14-13
15-13 [Mat Guidi] Kill by Daulton Sinoski (from Troy Wiebe). Point SASK
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