Official Volleyball Box Score

Trent Mens at Ryerson Rams Men

11/12/2017 at 3:00PM
@ Ryerson University (Mattamy Athletics Ce)
Final 1 2 3 Score
Trent (0-4) 23 9 27 0
Ryerson (4-0) 25 25 29 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
TRENTM -- 1st -- RYEM
  RYEM starters: Gregory Vukets; Taylor Jordan; Riley Anderson; Simon Davis-Power; Brendan Kewin; Brett Whitley; libero Jackson Dunning.  
  TRENTM starters: Isaiah Hipel; Jacob Bothen; Emmanuel Danso-Amofa; Matthew Bergin; Nicholas Taylor; Stewart Williamson; libero Griffin Williams.  
1-0 [Gregory Vukets] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Jacob Bothen] Service error. Point RYEM 1-1
[Taylor Jordan] Attack error by Matthew Bergin (block by Riley Anderson; Brendan Kewin). Point RYEM 1-2
2-2 [Taylor Jordan] Attack error by Jackson Dunning. Point TRENTM
3-2 [Emmanuel Danso-Amofa] Kill by Stewart Williamson (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Emmanuel Danso-Amofa] Kill by Riley Anderson (from Jackson Dunning). Point RYEM 3-3
4-3 [Riley Anderson] Service error. Point TRENTM
[Matthew Bergin] Kill by Brett Whitley (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 4-4
5-4 [Simon Davis-Power] Service error. Point TRENTM
6-4 [Nicholas Taylor] Service ace (Jackson Dunning). Point TRENTM
7-4 [Nicholas Taylor] Attack error by Brendan Kewin (block by Stewart Williamson; Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Nicholas Taylor] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 7-5
[Brendan Kewin] Kill by Taylor Jordan (from Jackson Dunning). Point RYEM 7-6
[Brendan Kewin] Service ace (Griffin Williams). Point RYEM 7-7
8-7 [Brendan Kewin] Kill by Jacob Bothen (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Stewart Williamson] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 8-8
[Brett Whitley] Attack error by Jacob Bothen. Point RYEM 8-9
9-9 [Brett Whitley] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Isaiah Hipel] Service error. Point RYEM 9-10
[Gregory Vukets] Attack error by Matthew Bergin. Point RYEM 9-11
[Gregory Vukets] Kill by Taylor Jordan (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 9-12
[Gregory Vukets] Kill by Taylor Jordan (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 9-13
[Gregory Vukets] Attack error by Jacob Bothen. Point RYEM 9-14
[Gregory Vukets] Attack error by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (block by Riley Anderson; Taylor Jordan). Point RYEM 9-15
10-15 [Gregory Vukets] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
11-15 [Jacob Bothen] Attack error by Taylor Jordan (block by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa; Nicholas Taylor). Point TRENTM
[Jacob Bothen] Service error. Point RYEM 11-16
[Taylor Jordan] Attack error by Nicholas Taylor (block by Simon Davis-Power). Point RYEM 11-17
[Taylor Jordan] Attack error by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa. Point RYEM 11-18
[Taylor Jordan] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Jackson Dunning). Point RYEM 11-19
  Timeout Trent Mens.  
12-19 [Taylor Jordan] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
13-19 [Emmanuel Danso-Amofa] Service ace (Taylor Jordan). Point TRENTM
[Emmanuel Danso-Amofa] Service error. Point RYEM 13-20
14-20 [Riley Anderson] Service error. Point TRENTM
15-20 [Matthew Bergin] Service ace (TEAM). Point TRENTM
[Matthew Bergin] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 15-21
16-21 [Simon Davis-Power] Kill by Stewart Williamson (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
  TRENTM subs: Aidan Labossiere.  
17-21 [Aidan Labossiere] Attack error by Brett Whitley. Point TRENTM
  Timeout Ryerson Rams Men.  
18-21 [Aidan Labossiere] Service ace (Taylor Jordan). Point TRENTM
[Aidan Labossiere] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 18-22
  TRENTM subs: Nicholas Taylor.  
[Brendan Kewin] Kill by Gregory Vukets (from Jackson Dunning). Point RYEM 18-23
19-23 [Brendan Kewin] Service error. Point TRENTM
20-23 [Stewart Williamson] Attack error by Taylor Jordan (block by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa; Isaiah Hipel; Jacob Bothen). Point TRENTM
21-23 [Stewart Williamson] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
  Timeout Ryerson Rams Men.  
22-23 [Stewart Williamson] Attack error by Brett Whitley. Point TRENTM
23-23 [Stewart Williamson] Service ace (Taylor Jordan). Point TRENTM
[Stewart Williamson] Kill by Taylor Jordan (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 23-24
[Brett Whitley] Service ace (TEAM). Point RYEM 23-25
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TRENTM -- 2nd -- RYEM
  RYEM starters: Taylor Jordan; Riley Anderson; Simon Davis-Power; Brendan Kewin; Brett Whitley; Gregory Vukets; libero Jackson Dunning.  
  TRENTM starters: Stewart Williamson; Isaiah Hipel; Jacob Bothen; Emmanuel Danso-Amofa; Matthew Bergin; Nicholas Taylor; libero Raymond Le.  
[Stewart Williamson] Attack error by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa. Point RYEM 0-1
[Riley Anderson] Service ace (Jacob Bothen). Point RYEM 0-2
[Riley Anderson] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Brett Whitley). Point RYEM 0-3
1-3 [Riley Anderson] Service error. Point TRENTM
2-3 [Isaiah Hipel] Attack error by Simon Davis-Power. Point TRENTM
[Isaiah Hipel] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 2-4
[Simon Davis-Power] Service ace (Nicholas Taylor). Point RYEM 2-5
[Simon Davis-Power] Service ace (TEAM). Point RYEM 2-6
[Simon Davis-Power] Service ace (Nicholas Taylor). Point RYEM 2-7
[Simon Davis-Power] Attack error by Nicholas Taylor (block by Brett Whitley; Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 2-8
  Timeout Trent Mens.  
3-8 [Simon Davis-Power] Service error. Point TRENTM
4-8 [Jacob Bothen] Kill by Nicholas Taylor (from Jacob Bothen). Point TRENTM
[Jacob Bothen] Service error. Point RYEM 4-9
5-9 [Brendan Kewin] Attack error by Taylor Jordan (block by Matthew Bergin; Emmanuel Danso-Amofa). Point TRENTM
[Emmanuel Danso-Amofa] Service error. Point RYEM 5-10
[Brett Whitley] Service ace (Griffin Williams). Point RYEM 5-11
  RYEM subs: Jordan Baric.  
[Brett Whitley] Kill by Jordan Baric. Point RYEM 5-12
[Brett Whitley] Service ace (TEAM). Point RYEM 5-13
[Brett Whitley] Attack error by Stewart Williamson (block by Riley Anderson). Point RYEM 5-14
[Brett Whitley] Attack error by Nicholas Taylor (block by Gregory Vukets; Riley Anderson; Jordan Baric). Point RYEM 5-15
[Brett Whitley] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 5-16
[Brett Whitley] Bad set by Isaiah Hipel. Point RYEM 5-17
  TRENTM subs: Omer Suliman.  
6-17 [Brett Whitley] Kill by Omer Suliman (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Omer Suliman] Kill by Jordan Baric (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 6-18
[Gregory Vukets] Kill by Jordan Baric (from Zack Underhll). Point RYEM 6-19
  Timeout Trent Mens.  
7-19 [Gregory Vukets] Kill by Isaiah Hipel. Point TRENTM
[Nicholas Taylor] Service error. Point RYEM 7-20
  RYEM subs: Taylor Jordan.  
[Taylor Jordan] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 7-21
8-21 [Taylor Jordan] Kill by Stewart Williamson (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Stewart Williamson] Kill by Riley Anderson (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 8-22
  RYEM subs: Alden Hasanagic.  
[Riley Anderson] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 8-23
[Riley Anderson] Attack error by Nicholas Taylor. Point RYEM 8-24
9-24 [Riley Anderson] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Isaiah Hipel] Attack error by Jacob Bothen (block by Simon Davis-Power; Alden Hasanagic). Point RYEM 9-25
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TRENTM -- 3rd -- RYEM
  TRENTM starters: Isaiah Hipel; Jacob Bothen; Emmanuel Danso-Amofa; Matthew Bergin; Nicholas Taylor; Stewart Williamson; libero Griffin Williams.  
  RYEM starters: Taylor Jordan; Riley Anderson; Simon Davis-Power; Brendan Kewin; Brett Whitley; Gregory Vukets; libero Jackson Dunning.  
[Taylor Jordan] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Zack Underhll). Point RYEM 0-1
1-1 [Taylor Jordan] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Jacob Bothen] Attack error by Nicholas Taylor (block by Simon Davis-Power; Riley Anderson). Point RYEM 1-2
[Riley Anderson] Attack error by Nicholas Taylor (block by Riley Anderson). Point RYEM 1-3
[Riley Anderson] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 1-4
2-4 [Riley Anderson] Service error. Point TRENTM
[Emmanuel Danso-Amofa] Service error. Point RYEM 2-5
3-5 [Simon Davis-Power] Service error. Point TRENTM
[Matthew Bergin] Attack error by Raymond Le (block by Adam Anagnostopoulos; Jackson Dunning). Point RYEM 3-6
4-6 [Matthew Bergin] Service ace (Zack Underhll). Point TRENTM
5-6 [Matthew Bergin] Attack error by Brendan Kewin. Point TRENTM
6-6 [Matthew Bergin] Kill by Stewart Williamson (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Matthew Bergin] Kill by Brett Whitley (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 6-7
[Brendan Kewin] Attack error by Matthew Bergin. Point RYEM 6-8
7-8 [Brendan Kewin] Kill by Jacob Bothen (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Nicholas Taylor] Service error. Point RYEM 7-9
8-9 [Brett Whitley] Kill by Jacob Bothen (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
9-9 [Stewart Williamson] Attack error by Taylor Jordan. Point TRENTM
[Stewart Williamson] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 9-10
10-10 [Gregory Vukets] Service error. Point TRENTM
[Isaiah Hipel] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Brendan Kewin). Point RYEM 10-11
[Taylor Jordan] Attack error by Matthew Bergin. Point RYEM 10-12
11-12 [Taylor Jordan] Bad set by Zack Underhll. Point TRENTM
[Jacob Bothen] Service error. Point RYEM 11-13
12-13 [Riley Anderson] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Emmanuel Danso-Amofa] Service error. Point RYEM 12-14
[Simon Davis-Power] Attack error by Nicholas Taylor (block by Gregory Vukets; Brett Whitley). Point RYEM 12-15
[Simon Davis-Power] Attack error by Matthew Bergin. Point RYEM 12-16
  TRENTM subs: Omer Suliman.  
13-16 [Simon Davis-Power] Service error. Point TRENTM
14-16 [Omer Suliman] Attack error by Brendan Kewin (block by Stewart Williamson; Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
15-16 [Omer Suliman] Attack error by Simon Davis-Power. Point TRENTM
16-16 [Omer Suliman] Attack error by Simon Davis-Power. Point TRENTM
17-16 [Brendan Kewin] Service error. Point TRENTM
18-16 [Nicholas Taylor] Service ace (). Point TRENTM
  RYEM subs: Jordan Baric.  
[Nicholas Taylor] Attack error by Jacob Bothen. Point RYEM 18-17
[Brett Whitley] Service ace (Jacob Bothen). Point RYEM 18-18
[Brett Whitley] Kill by Riley Anderson (from Simon Davis-Power). Point RYEM 18-19
19-19 [Brett Whitley] Service error. Point TRENTM
20-19 [Stewart Williamson] Attack error by Riley Anderson. Point TRENTM
[Stewart Williamson] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Zack Underhll). Point RYEM 20-20
21-20 [Gregory Vukets] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Isaiah Hipel] Kill by Taylor Jordan (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 21-21
22-21 [Taylor Jordan] Kill by Nicholas Taylor. Point TRENTM
[Jacob Bothen] Service error. Point RYEM 22-22
23-22 [Riley Anderson] Kill by Emmanuel Danso-Amofa (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
  TRENTM subs: Aidan Labossiere.  
[Aidan Labossiere] Kill by Jordan Baric (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 23-23
24-23 [Simon Davis-Power] Kill by Omer Suliman (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
  Timeout Ryerson Rams Men.  
[Omer Suliman] Service error. Point RYEM 24-24
[Brendan Kewin] Kill by Taylor Jordan. Point RYEM 24-25
25-25 [Simon Davis-Power] Kill by Stewart Williamson (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
26-25 [Nicholas Taylor] Attack error by Taylor Jordan. Point TRENTM
  TRENTM subs: Brandon Edmondson.  
[Brandon Edmondson] Kill by Brendan Kewin (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 26-26
  TRENTM subs: Nicholas Taylor.  
[Brett Whitley] Attack error by Stewart Williamson (block by Riley Anderson; Taylor Jordan). Point RYEM 26-27
27-27 [Brett Whitley] Kill by Jacob Bothen (from Isaiah Hipel). Point TRENTM
[Stewart Williamson] Service error. Point RYEM 27-28
[Gregory Vukets] Kill by Simon Davis-Power (from Gregory Vukets). Point RYEM 27-29
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