Official Volleyball Box Score

UBC at Regina

10/30/2015 at 7:46 pm
@ Regina, SK (CKHS)
Final 1 2 3 Score
UBC (1-2) 25 25 25 3
Regina (1-4) 18 21 20 0
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
UBC -- 1st -- REG
  UBC starters: Byron Keturakis; Irvan Brar; Mat Guidi; Jean-Benoit Gagne; Alex Russell; Mac McNicol; libero Trenton Leisen.  
  REG starters: Bronson Busch; Matthew Lueck; Joshua Nickel; Brad Millers; Andre Borgeaud; Dalton Wolfe; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
1-0 [Jean-Benoit Gagne] Attack error by Joshua Nickel (block by Irvan Brar; Alex Russell). Point UBC
[Jean-Benoit Gagne] Kill by Bronson Busch (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 1-1
[Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Bronson Busch (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 1-2
2-2 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Alex Russell (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
3-2 [Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBC
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 3-3
[Bronson Busch] Attack error by Alex Russell (block by Brad Millers). Point REG 3-4
4-4 [Bronson Busch] Kill by Alex Russell (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Brad Millers (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 4-5
5-5 [Dalton Wolfe] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Alex Russell] Kill by Brad Millers (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 5-6
[Matthew Lueck] Attack error by Mac McNicol (block by Brad Millers; Andre Borgeaud). Point REG 5-7
6-7 [Matthew Lueck] Service error. Point UBC
[Mac McNicol] Service error. Point REG 6-8
7-8 [Brad Millers] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
8-8 [Mat Guidi] Attack error by Joshua Nickel. Point UBC
9-8 [Mat Guidi] Attack error by Joshua Nickel (block by Byron Keturakis; Irvan Brar; Jean-Benoit Gagne). Point UBC
[Mat Guidi] Kill by Bronson Busch (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 9-9
10-9 [Joshua Nickel] Service error. Point UBC
11-9 [Jean-Benoit Gagne] Attack error by Andre Borgeaud (block by Alex Russell; Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Jean-Benoit Gagne] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 11-10
12-10 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
13-10 [Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBC
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 13-11
14-11 [Bronson Busch] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis), block error by TEAM. Point UBC
[Irvan Brar] Service error. Point REG 14-12
15-12 [Dalton Wolfe] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Alex Russell). Point UBC
[Alex Russell] Service error. Point REG 15-13
16-13 [Matthew Lueck] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
  Timeout UBC.  
17-13 [Mac McNicol] Attack error by Brad Millers. Point UBC
[Mac McNicol] Kill by Andre Borgeaud (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 17-14
18-14 [Brad Millers] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Mat Guidi] Service error. Point REG 18-15
  REG subs: Matthew Ferstl; Michael Corrigan.  
[Michael Corrigan] Bad set by Mat Guidi. Point REG 18-16
19-16 [Michael Corrigan] Attack error by Matthew Ferstl. Point UBC
  UBC subs: Jarrid Ireland.  
  Timeout Regina.  
20-16 [Jarrid Ireland] Attack error by Andre Borgeaud. Point UBC
21-16 [Jarrid Ireland] Attack error by Matthew Ferstl. Point UBC
[Jarrid Ireland] Service error. Point REG 21-17
22-17 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
23-17 [Byron Keturakis] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
  Timeout Regina.  
24-17 [Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBC
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 24-18
  REG subs: Carter Howe.  
25-18 [Carter Howe] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
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UBC -- 2nd -- REG
  UBC starters: Irvan Brar; Alex Russell; Jean-Benoit Gagne; Mac McNicol; Mat Guidi; Byron Keturakis; libero Trenton Leisen.  
  REG starters: Matthew Lueck; Joshua Nickel; Brad Millers; Dalton Wolfe; Andre Borgeaud; Bronson Busch; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
[Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 0-1
1-1 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Irvan Brar. Point REG 1-2
2-2 [Bronson Busch] Kill by Alex Russell (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
3-2 [Irvan Brar] Attack error by Matthew Lueck (block by Alex Russell; Mac McNicol). Point UBC
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Brad Millers (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 3-3
4-3 [Dalton Wolfe] Service error. Point UBC
5-3 [Alex Russell] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Jean-Benoit Gagne). Point UBC
[Alex Russell] Kill by Brad Millers (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 5-4
6-4 [Matthew Lueck] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
7-4 [Mac McNicol] Kill by Byron Keturakis. Point UBC
[Mac McNicol] Service error. Point REG 7-5
8-5 [Brad Millers] Service error. Point UBC
[Mat Guidi] Service error. Point REG 8-6
9-6 [Joshua Nickel] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
10-6 [Jean-Benoit Gagne] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBC
11-6 [Jean-Benoit Gagne] Attack error by Andre Borgeaud. Point UBC
[Jean-Benoit Gagne] Service error. Point REG 11-7
12-7 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Mat Guidi). Point UBC
  Timeout Regina.  
[Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point REG 12-8
[Bronson Busch] Service ace (Mat Guidi). Point REG 12-9
13-9 [Bronson Busch] Service error. Point UBC
[Irvan Brar] Service error. Point REG 13-10
  REG subs: Michael Corrigan.  
[Michael Corrigan] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 13-11
[Michael Corrigan] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 13-12
  Timeout UBC.  
14-12 [Michael Corrigan] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
15-12 [Alex Russell] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Alex Russell] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 15-13
[Matthew Lueck] Service ace (Trenton Leisen). Point REG 15-14
[Matthew Lueck] Attack error by Mat Guidi. Point REG 15-15
16-15 [Matthew Lueck] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
  Timeout UBC.  
[Mac McNicol] Service error. Point REG 16-16
17-16 [Brad Millers] Kill by Mat Guidi. Point UBC
18-16 [Mat Guidi] Service ace (Andre Borgeaud). Point UBC
[Mat Guidi] Kill by Bronson Busch (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 18-17
19-17 [Joshua Nickel] Attack error by Andre Borgeaud (block by Byron Keturakis; Jean-Benoit Gagne). Point UBC
[Jean-Benoit Gagne] Kill by Michael Corrigan (from Matthew Lueck). Point REG 19-18
20-18 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
21-18 [Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Matthew Lueck (block by Irvan Brar; Mac McNicol; Alex Russell). Point UBC
  Timeout Regina.  
22-18 [Byron Keturakis] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
23-18 [Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Joshua Nickel. Point UBC
  REG subs: Dalton Wolfe; Carter Howe.  
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 23-19
[Carter Howe] Bad set by Byron Keturakis. Point REG 23-20
24-20 [Carter Howe] Kill by Alex Russell (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
  UBC subs: Jarrid Ireland.  
  REG subs: Bronson Busch.  
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Dalton Wolfe). Point REG 24-21
25-21 [Dalton Wolfe] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
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UBC -- 3rd -- REG
  UBC starters: Mac McNicol; Byron Keturakis; Alex Russell; Mat Guidi; Irvan Brar; Jean-Benoit Gagne; libero Trenton Leisen.  
  REG starters: Michael Corrigan; Bronson Busch; Andre Borgeaud; Brad Millers; Matthew Lueck; Joshua Nickel; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
[Jean-Benoit Gagne] Service error. Point REG 0-1
1-1 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
2-1 [Byron Keturakis] Bad set by Michael Corrigan. Point UBC
3-1 [Byron Keturakis] Service ace (Michael Corrigan). Point UBC
[Byron Keturakis] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 3-2
4-2 [Bronson Busch] Kill by Alex Russell (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 4-3
5-3 [Joshua Nickel] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
6-3 [Alex Russell] Attack error by Matthew Lueck (block by Mat Guidi; Jean-Benoit Gagne; Mac McNicol). Point UBC
[Alex Russell] Service error. Point REG 6-4
7-4 [Matthew Lueck] Service error. Point UBC
[Mac McNicol] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 7-5
8-5 [Brad Millers] Service error. Point UBC
9-5 [Mat Guidi] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Mac McNicol). Point UBC
[Mat Guidi] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Michael Corrigan), block error by TEAM. Point REG 9-6
10-6 [Michael Corrigan] Attack error by Joshua Nickel. Point UBC
[Jean-Benoit Gagne] Kill by Andre Borgeaud (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 10-7
[Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 10-8
11-8 [Andre Borgeaud] Kill by Mac McNicol (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Irvan Brar (block by Joshua Nickel; Bronson Busch). Point REG 11-9
12-9 [Bronson Busch] Kill by Alex Russell (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Irvan Brar] Service error. Point REG 12-10
  REG subs: Carter Howe.  
[Carter Howe] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 12-11
13-11 [Carter Howe] Service error. Point UBC
14-11 [Alex Russell] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBC
15-11 [Alex Russell] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBC
  Timeout Regina.  
16-11 [Alex Russell] Service ace (TEAM). Point UBC
  Timeout UBC.  
[Alex Russell] Kill by Brad Millers (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 16-12
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Andre Borgeaud (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 16-13
17-13 [Matthew Lueck] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Mac McNicol] Service error. Point REG 17-14
18-14 [Brad Millers] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
19-14 [Mat Guidi] Service ace (Andre Borgeaud). Point UBC
[Mat Guidi] Service error. Point REG 19-15
  REG subs: Joshua Nickel.  
20-15 [Michael Corrigan] Kill by Irvan Brar (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
  UBC subs: Henrik Hole.  
[Henrik Hole] Service error. Point REG 20-16
  UBC subs: Jean-Benoit Gagne.  
21-16 [Andre Borgeaud] Service error. Point UBC
22-16 [Byron Keturakis] Attack error by Joshua Nickel. Point UBC
  UBC subs: Jarrid Ireland.  
  Timeout Regina.  
[Byron Keturakis] Service error. Point REG 22-17
  REG subs: Dalton Wolfe.  
[Dalton Wolfe] Attack error by Irvan Brar. Point REG 22-18
23-18 [Dalton Wolfe] Service error. Point UBC
  REG subs: Bronson Busch.  
[Irvan Brar] Kill by Brad Millers (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 23-19
24-19 [Joshua Nickel] Kill by Alex Russell (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
[Alex Russell] Kill by Joshua Nickel (from Michael Corrigan). Point REG 24-20
25-20 [Matthew Lueck] Kill by Mat Guidi (from Byron Keturakis). Point UBC
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