Official Volleyball Box Score

Saint Mary's at Memorial

11/11/2016 at 7:00 PM
@ St. John's (Field House)
5-3, 5-3
3-3, 3-3
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Saint Mary's (5-3, 5-3) 25 19 17 19 1
Memorial (3-3, 3-3) 20 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  MEMORIAL starters: Kierstin Fey; Alison Poynter; Jordan Hutchison; Sarah Calkin; Jill Snow; Sarah Dawe.  
  SAINT MA starters: Anna Watt; Jaime Rourke; Emilla Conlon; Lindsay Donovan; Maddie Clarke; Erin Smith.  
1-0 [Kierstin Fey] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Jordan Hutchison (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 1-1
2-1 [Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Jordan Hutchison (block by Erin Smith). Point SAINT MA
3-1 [Maddie Clarke] Kill by Erin Smith (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Maddie Clarke] Service error. Point MEMORIAL 3-2
  MEMORIAL subs: Catherine Ducey.  
4-2 [Jordan Hutchison] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
5-2 [Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
[Jaime Rourke] Ball handling error by Emilla Conlon. Point MEMORIAL 5-3
6-3 [Alison Poynter] Kill by Anna Watt (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
7-3 [Erin Smith] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Memorial.  
8-3 [Erin Smith] Service ace (Sarah Dawe). Point SAINT MA
9-3 [Erin Smith] Kill by Anna Watt (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Erin Smith] Kill by Jill Snow (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 9-4
10-4 [Jill Snow] Service error. Point SAINT MA
11-4 [Emilla Conlon] Ball handling error by Kassandra Menzies. Point SAINT MA
[Emilla Conlon] Kill by Catherine Ducey (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 11-5
[Catherine Ducey] Kill by Jordan Hutchison (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 11-6
[Catherine Ducey] Service ace (Jaime Rourke). Point MEMORIAL 11-7
12-7 [Catherine Ducey] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
13-7 [Anna Watt] Attack error by Kierstin Fey. Point SAINT MA
[Anna Watt] Service error. Point MEMORIAL 13-8
14-8 [Kierstin Fey] Attack error by Kierstin Fey. Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 14-9
[Sarah Dawe] Service ace (Anna Watt). Point MEMORIAL 14-10
[Sarah Dawe] Kill by Jill Snow (from Kierstin Fey). Point MEMORIAL 14-11
15-11 [Sarah Dawe] Kill by Erin Smith (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
16-11 [Maddie Clarke] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
17-11 [Maddie Clarke] Attack error by Jill Snow (block by Emilla Conlon; Erin Smith). Point SAINT MA
[Maddie Clarke] Attack error by Jaime Rourke. Point MEMORIAL 17-12
[Jordan Hutchison] Kill by Jill Snow (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 17-13
18-13 [Jordan Hutchison] Kill by Jaime Rourke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
19-13 [Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Jill Snow (block by Emilla Conlon; Erin Smith). Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Memorial.  
[Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Anna Watt (block by Alison Poynter; Catherine Ducey). Point MEMORIAL 19-14
20-14 [Alison Poynter] Kill by Erin Smith (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
21-14 [Erin Smith] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
[Erin Smith] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Kassandra Menzies). Point MEMORIAL 21-15
[Jill Snow] Attack error by Anna Watt (block by Kierstin Fey; Catherine Ducey). Point MEMORIAL 21-16
22-16 [Jill Snow] Service error. Point SAINT MA
[Emilla Conlon] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 22-17
23-17 [Catherine Ducey] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Anna Watt] Kill by Jordan Hutchison (from Alison Poynter). Point MEMORIAL 23-18
24-18 [Kierstin Fey] Kill by Lindsay Donovan (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Ball handling error by Emilla Conlon. Point MEMORIAL 24-19
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Erin Smith (block by Jordan Hutchison). Point MEMORIAL 24-20
25-20 [Sarah Dawe] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
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[Anna Watt] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 0-1
[Sarah Dawe] Kill by Jill Snow (from Kassandra Menzies). Point MEMORIAL 0-2
[Sarah Dawe] Service ace (Anna Watt). Point MEMORIAL 0-3
1-3 [Sarah Dawe] Service error. Point SAINT MA
2-3 [Lindsay Donovan] Service ace (Jill Snow). Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Attack error by Erin Smith. Point MEMORIAL 2-4
3-4 [Layna Levorson] Kill by Jaime Rourke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Maddie Clarke] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 3-5
4-5 [Maiya Westwood] Attack error by Kierstin Fey. Point SAINT MA
5-5 [Jaime Rourke] Kill by Anna Watt (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Jaime Rourke] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Jill Snow). Point MEMORIAL 5-6
[Jill Snow] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 5-7
6-7 [Jill Snow] Attack error by Kierstin Fey (block by Anna Watt; Erin Smith). Point SAINT MA
[Erin Smith] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 6-8
[Catherine Ducey] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan. Point MEMORIAL 6-9
7-9 [Catherine Ducey] Kill by Lindsay Donovan (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
8-9 [Emilla Conlon] Kill by Anna Watt (from Maddie Clarke). Point SAINT MA
[Emilla Conlon] Kill by Layna Levorson (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 8-10
9-10 [Kierstin Fey] Service error. Point SAINT MA
10-10 [Anna Watt] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Anna Watt] Service error. Point MEMORIAL 10-11
[Sarah Dawe] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 10-12
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan. Point MEMORIAL 10-13
11-13 [Sarah Dawe] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Layna Levorson (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 11-14
  MEMORIAL subs: Alison Poynter.  
[Alison Poynter] Service ace (Erica Dowling). Point MEMORIAL 11-15
12-15 [Alison Poynter] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
  MEMORIAL subs: Layna Levorson.  
13-15 [Maddie Clarke] Ball handling error by Catherine Ducey. Point SAINT MA
14-15 [Maddie Clarke] Kill by Erin Smith (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
15-15 [Maddie Clarke] Attack error by Catherine Ducey. Point SAINT MA
[Maddie Clarke] Kill by Jill Snow (from Kierstin Fey). Point MEMORIAL 15-16
16-16 [Maiya Westwood] Kill by Jaime Rourke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
17-16 [Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Kierstin Fey. Point SAINT MA
[Jaime Rourke] Kill by Jill Snow (from Kassandra Menzies). Point MEMORIAL 17-17
[Jill Snow] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 17-18
[Jill Snow] Attack error by Emilla Conlon (block by Catherine Ducey). Point MEMORIAL 17-19
  Timeout Saint Mary's.  
18-19 [Jill Snow] Kill by Anna Watt (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Erin Smith] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 18-20
[Catherine Ducey] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 18-21
  Timeout Saint Mary's.  
[Catherine Ducey] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan. Point MEMORIAL 18-22
[Catherine Ducey] Kill by Layna Levorson (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 18-23
[Catherine Ducey] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 18-24
19-24 [Catherine Ducey] Attack error by Kierstin Fey (block by Anna Watt; Lindsay Donovan). Point SAINT MA
[Emilla Conlon] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 19-25
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[Kierstin Fey] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan. Point MEMORIAL 0-1
[Kierstin Fey] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Kassandra Menzies). Point MEMORIAL 0-2
1-2 [Kierstin Fey] Service error. Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 1-3
3-3 [Maddie Clarke] Service ace (Sarah Dawe). Point SAINT MA
[Maddie Clarke] Attack error by Erin Smith. Point MEMORIAL 3-4
4-4 [Layna Levorson] Service error. Point SAINT MA
[Jaime Rourke] Kill by Catherine Ducey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 4-5
5-5 [Maiya Westwood] Kill by Anna Watt (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Jill Snow] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan (block by Catherine Ducey; Sarah Dawe). Point MEMORIAL 5-7
6-7 [Jill Snow] Kill by Anna Watt (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
7-7 [Emilla Conlon] Attack error by Catherine Ducey (block by Anna Watt; Lindsay Donovan). Point SAINT MA
[Emilla Conlon] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 7-8
[Catherine Ducey] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 7-9
8-9 [Catherine Ducey] Attack error by Sarah Dawe. Point SAINT MA
9-9 [Anna Watt] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
10-9 [Anna Watt] Service ace (Layna Levorson). Point SAINT MA
[Anna Watt] Service error. Point MEMORIAL 10-10
11-10 [Kierstin Fey] Kill by Lindsay Donovan (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Attack error by Anna Watt. Point MEMORIAL 11-11
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Maddie Clarke. Point MEMORIAL 11-12
12-12 [Sarah Dawe] Service error. Point SAINT MA
13-12 [Maddie Clarke] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
[Maddie Clarke] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 13-13
14-13 [Layna Levorson] Kill by Jaime Rourke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Jaime Rourke] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 14-14
[Maiya Westwood] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 14-15
[Maiya Westwood] Attack error by Anna Watt (block by Kierstin Fey; Catherine Ducey). Point MEMORIAL 14-16
[Maiya Westwood] Kill by Catherine Ducey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 14-18
  Timeout Saint Mary's.  
[Maiya Westwood] Attack error by Erin Smith. Point MEMORIAL 14-19
15-19 [Maiya Westwood] Kill by Anna Watt (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Erin Smith] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 15-20
[Jill Snow] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan. Point MEMORIAL 15-21
[Jill Snow] Bad set by Maddie Clarke. Point MEMORIAL 15-22
  Timeout Saint Mary's.  
[Jill Snow] Service ace (Maddie Clarke). Point MEMORIAL 15-23
  SAINT MA subs: Jordan Lake.  
16-23 [Jill Snow] Kill by Lindsay Donovan (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Maddie Clarke.  
17-23 [Emilla Conlon] Kill by Lindsay Donovan (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Emilla Conlon] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 17-24
[Jill Snow] Kill by Maiya Westwood (from Kierstin Fey). Point MEMORIAL 17-25
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1-0 [Erica Dowling] Attack error by Layna Levorson. Point SAINT MA
[Erica Dowling] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan (block by Layna Levorson). Point MEMORIAL 1-1
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Maddie Clarke (block by Layna Levorson; Jill Snow). Point MEMORIAL 1-2
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan. Point MEMORIAL 1-3
2-3 [Sarah Dawe] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Hannah Stienburg). Point SAINT MA
3-3 [Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Jaime Rourke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 3-4
[Layna Levorson] Kill by Catherine Ducey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 3-5
4-5 [Layna Levorson] Service error. Point SAINT MA
[Maddie Clarke] Kill by Jill Snow (from Sarah Dawe). Point MEMORIAL 4-6
[Maiya Westwood] Attack error by Jaime Rourke. Point MEMORIAL 4-7
5-7 [Maiya Westwood] Kill by Erin Smith (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
6-7 [Jaime Rourke] Ball handling error by Sarah Dawe. Point SAINT MA
7-7 [Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
8-7 [Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Kierstin Fey (block by Emilla Conlon; Erin Smith). Point SAINT MA
9-7 [Jaime Rourke] Kill by Erica Dowling (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
10-7 [Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Jill Snow. Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Memorial.  
[Jaime Rourke] Kill by Kierstin Fey (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 10-8
[Jill Snow] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 10-9
11-9 [Jill Snow] Attack error by Catherine Ducey. Point SAINT MA
[Erin Smith] Attack error by Lindsay Donovan. Point MEMORIAL 11-10
12-10 [Catherine Ducey] Service error. Point SAINT MA
[Emilla Conlon] Kill by Layna Levorson (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 12-11
[Kierstin Fey] Attack error by Erica Dowling (block by Layna Levorson; Sarah Dawe). Point MEMORIAL 12-12
13-12 [Kierstin Fey] Kill by Erica Dowling (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
14-12 [Erica Dowling] Attack error by Sarah Dawe. Point SAINT MA
[Erica Dowling] Kill by Sarah Dawe (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 14-13
[Sarah Dawe] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 14-14
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Maddie Clarke. Point MEMORIAL 14-15
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Maddie Clarke. Point MEMORIAL 14-16
[Sarah Dawe] Attack error by Jaime Rourke. Point MEMORIAL 14-17
[Sarah Dawe] Service ace (Hannah Stienburg). Point MEMORIAL 14-18
15-18 [Sarah Dawe] Kill by Lindsay Donovan (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
16-18 [Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Erin Smith (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
17-18 [Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Maddie Clarke (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Memorial.  
[Lindsay Donovan] Kill by Layna Levorson (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 17-19
  MEMORIAL subs: Alison Poynter.  
[Alison Poynter] Attack error by Emilla Conlon. Point MEMORIAL 17-20
18-20 [Alison Poynter] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  MEMORIAL subs: Layna Levorson; Jordan Hutchison.  
[Maddie Clarke] Kill by Jill Snow (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 18-21
[Maiya Westwood] Attack error by Erin Smith (block by Jordan Hutchison; Jill Snow). Point MEMORIAL 18-22
[Maiya Westwood] Kill by Jordan Hutchison (from Maiya Westwood). Point MEMORIAL 18-23
[Maiya Westwood] Attack error by Jaime Rourke (block by Kierstin Fey). Point MEMORIAL 18-24
19-24 [Maiya Westwood] Kill by Erin Smith (from Emilla Conlon). Point SAINT MA
[Jaime Rourke] Attack error by Erica Dowling. Point MEMORIAL 19-25
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